Though we love pixelsticking for the sheer fun of it, numerous working photographers have found Pixelstick to be a welcome companion on professional shoots.

The pro users run the gamut from fully staffed shoots that lean heavily on pixelstick as a central concept to solo event photographers who are using pixelstick to offer their clients extras that the competition doesn’t.

After all, how many wedding photographers can convincingly line up the happy couple with a platoon of storm troopers? Or envelop them in dazzling ribbons of light?

Below we highlight some of the best and most interesting work from shooters with access to both a pixelstick and an adventurous couple.


A beautifully mirrored ribbon in an excellent composition. Courtesy of Gomes Photography


A well-executed ribbon with reflections Courtesy of Christi Falls



Poetry in motion. A beautifully composed shot where pixelstick accentuates the movement of the couple without upstaging them. Courtesy of Lear Miller Photography

stephengovelDownright striking. The white ribbon is practically buzzing with energy and the symmetry is off just enough to keep it feeling organic. The bride and groom pop just enough to keep them the center of attention. Courtesy of Stephen Govel. 


Combining pixelstick with reflections. Pixelstick provides a wealth of colorful accents to the shot while remaining largely in the back seat. Courtesy of Alex Beckett


Typography! Courtest of Brett Nelson

brettnelson2Courtesy of Brett Nelson 

Pixel Art themed Wedding! In this case the Bride and Groom supplied pixel artwork to the photographer. Tailor made for pixelstick! Courtesy of Amanda Stevens 


An unorthodox use of pixelstick. Courtesy of Sam Hurd Photography.

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Imperial Honor Guard. Courtesy of Cami Grudzinski

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Jedi Thank You cards are the next big thing. Courtesy of Cami Grudzinski

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Things are looking grim for Earth’s moon. Courtesy of Cami Grudzinski


They invited him to be polite but didn’t think he’d actually show. – Courtest of Alex Beckett

neilredfernBetween pixelstick, photoshop, and actually lighting the bride and groom on fire, pixelstick is the clear choice for achieving this affect. Courtesy of Neil Redfern would you like to pay?  We know you want one.  Click here to place your order today.