Remember the good old days when you walked up to a restaurant to look at the peeling, sun bleached photos of the menu tacked to the window? The photos were usually taken on the counter of a dark and dingy kitchen with all the finesse of the proverbial bull in a china shop. No wonder the British were never celebrated for our great food but not any more!


So much has changed since my childhood days. The shop window is now a virtual one and everyone is expected to be a brilliant photographer if they want to capture an audience and sell a lifestyle. We have evolved into a visual culture with so much competition for our time. We flick through social platforms and in a split second make a decision on what we are willing to invest a bit more of ourselves into - typically on image alone. We respond to visual stimuli and when we respond emotionally we are even more likely to engage with and retain what we are being shown.

So the big question is - how do you take photos of food that people will fall in love with? Photos with the drool factor!


Paul Gregory Photography will be taking over our CameraWorld Facebook feed next Tuesday 10:30am for an hours LIVE tutorial with Q&A. Paul promises to show you his tricks and tips to help you create stunning photos of your favourite dishes at home. Paul is a a traditionally trained professional photographer who creates food, drink and portraiture images for artisan food producers, commercial and publishing clients and I challenge you to look at his work without saliva filling your cheeks and threatening to escape the corner of your mouth! Sign up to the event on Facebook 


Paul will be demonstrating how he goes about a shoot using a Canon EOS RP, adaptor and RF 24mm-105mm lens and will talk you through how you can take advantage of natural light to achieve the best results at home with minimal equipment.

What will you need?

Ensure you set yourself up ready to learn alongside Paul. You will need a camera that you can use, a tripod, a table or work surface and set your 'studio' up near a window so that you can take advantage of the natural light. Paul will show you how to take great images at home with minimal equipment using the stuff in your cupboards but if you want to learn alongside your favourite cake make that too!

In collaboration with CameraWorld, Canon will also be LIVE online to help answer your questions so dust off your apron and whip up your favourite dish and get ready to make your friends DROOL!