Based in Lisbon, Miguel runs a local photography tour service for those who come to visit and like to photograph. Although flexibility and customisation are very important to Miguel he encourages his clients to look for the simplicity and to adjust their perspective.

“Less is More” and “Keep it Simple” are Miguel’s favourite image composition tools.

Miguel Helfrich


How and when did you get into photography?


I started back in the late nineties, with a basic Nikon F70 film camera. At that time I was mainly shooting simple vacation photos to share with family and friends. And then, something wonderful happened: I found Scuba-diving! And with that I also found Underwater Photography! It is simply fascinating but also very demanding. I did it for over a decade, first with a Nikonos RS UW camera and later with a Nikon D300 inside a Hugyfot housing. Some years later, that love has taken me to the streets and I have managed to carve a full time career from my photography.


What equipment do you have now and what is your favourite lens?


I am a Nikon Guy and I have had a very long list of equipment over the years, both for land and underwater. Currently I have a Nikon D300, a Manfrotto tripod will L-mount and just two lenses for street photography - I use a Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 and the Nikon 70-200mm f2.8. And that’s it! My favourite lens is the 70-200mm because it helps me to achieve simplicity.



Do you plan what you want from a photo in advance?


Most of the time I just go with the flow. Alone or with a client, I try to be as flexible as possible and hunt some good opportunities. Perhaps my best ability is to arrive at a place and quickly process what is round me and 'see' all of it’s potential. But sometimes I have to plan. To be at a good spot to shoot the blue hour needs planning. To shoot some Lisbon trams needs planning. 


What has been your most memorable photo shoot and why?


Well, I have many that happened underwater, including sharks, but when it comes to the streets I would say that last year, during the initial lockdown, there were some unique opportunities to shoot. Old Lisbon was more like a phantom city and as the pollution levels dropped - the clouds were just perfect! Too good to miss. I was able get some otherwise impossible photos. Lisbon is still quiet and now is still a great time to come and photograph.


Join Miguel, Clik-Trip and CameraWorld on Thursday 20th May at noon for a free and live photography talk with Q&A on our Facebook page. Register here for a reminder.